/ whatis.cgi-pl

whatis time

time (7)             - overview of time and timers
time (1)             - run programs and summarize system resource usage
time (3am)           - time functions for gawk
time (2)             - get time in seconds

apropos time

pvm_hostsync (3)     - Get time-of-day clock from PVM host.
pvm_trecv (3)        - Receive with timeout.
pvmfhostsync (3)     - Get time-of-day clock from PVM host.
pvmftrecv (3)        - Receive with timeout.
IO::Async::Timer (3pm) - base class for Notifiers that use timed delays
IO::Async::Timer::Absolute (3pm) - event callback at a fixed future time
IO::Async::Timer::Countdown (3pm) - event callback after a fixed delay
IO::Async::Timer::Periodic (3pm) - event callback at regular intervals
timeshift (1)        - manual page for Timeshift 24.01.1
timeshift-gtk (1)    - manual page for Timeshift-gtk 24.01.1
__ppc_get_timebase (3) - get the current value of the Time Base Register on P...
__ppc_get_timebase_freq (3) - get the current value of the Time Base Register...
a2query (1)          - retrieve runtime configuration from a local Apache 2 H...
ac (1)               - print statistics about users' connect time
adjtime (3)          - correct the time to synchronize the system clock
adjtime_config (5)   - information about hardware clock setting and drift factor
adjtimex (2)         - tune kernel clock
aio_suspend (3)      - wait for asynchronous I/O operation or timeout
APR (3pm)            - Perl Interface for Apache Portable Runtime (libapr and...
asctime (3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime_r (3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
bootparam (7)        - introduction to boot time parameters of the Linux kernel
chrt (1)             - manipulate the real-time attributes of a process
Class::XSAccessor (3pm) - Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
Class::XSAccessor::Array (3pm) - Generate fast XS accessors without runtime c...
rpc_clnt_create (3t) - "library routines for dealing with creation and manipu...
clock (3)            - determine processor time
clock_adjtime (2)    - tune kernel clock
clock_getcpuclockid (3) - obtain ID of a process CPU-time clock
clock_getres (2)     - clock and time functions
clock_gettime (2)    - clock and time functions
clock_settime (2)    - clock and time functions
ctime (3)            - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime_r (3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
date (1)             - print or set the system date and time
Date::Manip::DM5abbrevs (3pm) - A list of all timezone abbreviations
Date::Manip::TZ (3pm) - an interface to the time zone data
Date::Manip::Zones (3pm) - Time zone information
Date::Parse (3pm)    - Parse date strings into time values
daylight (3)         - initialize time conversion information
difftime (3)         - calculate time difference
finalrd (1)          - final runtime directory generator for shutdown
flatpak (1)          - Build, install and run applications and runtimes
flatpak-build-sign (1) - Sign an application or runtime
flatpak-create-usb (1) - Copy apps and/or runtimes onto removable media.
flatpak-enter (1)    - Enter an application or runtime's sandbox
flatpak-flatpakref (5) - Reference to a remote for an application or runtime
flatpak-info (1)     - Show information about an installed application or run...
flatpak-install (1)  - Install an application or runtime
flatpak-list (1)     - List installed applications and/or runtimes
flatpak-metadata (5) - Information about an application or runtime
flatpak-pin (1)      - Pin runtimes to prevent automatic removal
flatpak-remote-info (1) - Show information about an application or runtime in...
flatpak-remote-ls (1) - Show available runtimes and applications
flatpak-run (1)      - Run an application or open a shell in a runtime
flatpak-search (1)   - Search for applications and runtimes
flatpak-uninstall (1) - Uninstall an application or runtime
flatpak-update (1)   - Update an application or runtime
phys (2)             - unimplemented system calls
ftime (3)            - return date and time
utimensat (2)        - change file timestamps with nanosecond precision
futimens (3)         - change file timestamps with nanosecond precision
futimes (3)          - change file timestamps
futimesat (2)        - change timestamps of a file relative to a directory fi...
getdate (3)          - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
getdate_err (3)      - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
getdate_r (3)        - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
getitimer (2)        - get or set value of an interval timer
gettimeofday (2)     - get / set time
gmtime (3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gmtime_r (3)         - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gtk-redshift (1)     - set color temperature of display according to time of day
hp-timedate (1)      - Time/Date Utility
hwclock (8)          - time clocks utility
IPC::Run::Timer (3pm) - - Timer channels for IPC::Run.
kbdrate (8)          - reset the keyboard repeat rate and delay time
ldconfig (8)         - configure dynamic linker run-time bindings
localtime (3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
localtime (5)        - Local timezone configuration file
localtime_r (3)      - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
lutimes (3)          - change file timestamps
mariadb-tzinfo-to-sql (1) - load the time zone tables (mysql_tzinfo_to_sql is...
mktime (3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
Module::Runtime (3pm) - runtime module handling
modules (5)          - kernel modules to load at boot time
mq_timedreceive (2)  - receive a message from a message queue
mq_timedreceive (3)  - receive a message from a message queue
mq_timedsend (2)     - send a message to a message queue
mq_timedsend (3)     - send a message to a message queue
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql (1) - load the time zone tables (mysql_tzinfo_to_sql is n...
ntp_adjtime (3)      - tune kernel clock
ntp_gettime (3)      - get time parameters (NTP daemon interface)
ntp_gettimex (3)     - get time parameters (NTP daemon interface)
openssl-s_time (1ssl) - SSL/TLS performance timing program
openssl-ts (1ssl)    - Time Stamping Authority command
org.freedesktop.timedate1 (5) - The D-Bus interface of systemd-timedated
pacmd (1)            - Reconfigure a PulseAudio sound server during runtime
pam_time (8)         - PAM module for time control access
pam_timestamp (8)    - Authenticate using cached successful authentication at...
pam_timestamp_check (8) - Check to see if the default timestamp is valid
pbmreduce (1)        - read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
pnmenlarge (1)       - read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
profil (3)           - execution time profile
pthread_getcpuclockid (3) - retrieve ID of a thread's CPU time clock
pthread_timedjoin_np (3) - try to join with a terminated thread
pythran (1)          - part of pythran: ahead of time compiler for Python
pythran-config (1)   - part of pythran: ahead of time compiler for Python
qt-faststart (1)     - utility for Quicktime files
redshift (1)         - set color temperature of display according to time of day
redshift-gtk (1)     - set color temperature of display according to time of day
rpcbind (3t)         - library routines for RPC bind service
rt_sigtimedwait (2)  - synchronously wait for queued signals
rtc (4)              - real-time clock
rtcwake (8)          - enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time
rtime (3)            - get time from a remote machine
rtime (3t)           - "get remote time"
rtkitctl (8)         - Realtime Policy and Watchdog daemon control
s390_runtime_instr (2) - enable/disable s390 CPU run-time instrumentation
s_time (1ssl)        - OpenSSL application commands
sem_timedwait (3)    - lock a semaphore
semtimedop (2)       - System V semaphore operations
setitimer (2)        - get or set value of an interval timer
settimeofday (2)     - get / set time
sigtimedwait (2)     - synchronously wait for queued signals
slabtop (1)          - display kernel slab cache information in real time
sleep (1)            - delay for a specified amount of time
stime (2)            - set time
strftime (3)         - format date and time
strptime (3)         - convert a string representation of time to a time tm s...
sudoers_timestamp (5) - Sudoers Time Stamp Format
sysconf (3)          - get configuration information at run time
sysctl (8)           - configure kernel parameters at runtime
systemd-debug-generator (8) - Generator for enabling a runtime debug shell an...
systemd-run (1)      - Run programs in transient scope units, service units, ...
systemd-time-wait-sync (8) - Wait until kernel time is synchronized
systemd-time-wait-sync.service (8) - Wait until kernel time is synchronized
systemd-timedated (8) - Time and date bus mechanism
systemd-timedated.service (8) - Time and date bus mechanism
systemd-timesyncd (8) - Network Time Synchronization
systemd-timesyncd.service (8) - Network Time Synchronization
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile an...
systemd-user-runtime-dir (5) - System units to start the user manager
systemd.time (7)     - Time and date specifications
systemd.timer (5)    - Timer unit configuration
tc-etf (8)           - Earliest TxTime First (ETF) Qdisc
tc-taprio (8)        - Time Aware Priority Shaper
Test::StagedFileProducer (3) - - mtime-based file production engine
Text::Xslate::PP (3pm) - Yet another Text::Xslate runtime in pure Perl
time (1)             - run programs and summarize system resource usage
time (2)             - get time in seconds
time (3am)           - time functions for gawk
time (7)             - overview of time and timers
time.conf (5)        - configuration file for the pam_time module
Time::Duration (3pm) - rounded or exact English expression of durations
Time::Moment (3pm)   - Represents a date and time of day with an offset from UTC
Time::Moment::Adjusters (3pm) - Adjusters for Time::Moment
Time::Zone (3pm)     - - miscellaneous timezone manipulations routines
time_namespaces (7)  - overview of Linux time namespaces
time_t (3)           - overview of system data types
timedatectl (1)      - Control the system time and date
timegm (3)           - inverses of gmtime and localtime
timelocal (3)        - inverses of gmtime and localtime
timeout (1)          - run a command with a time limit
timer_create (2)     - create a POSIX per-process timer
timer_delete (2)     - delete a POSIX per-process timer
timer_getoverrun (2) - get overrun count for a POSIX per-process timer
timer_gettime (2)    - arm/disarm and fetch state of POSIX per-process timer
timer_settime (2)    - arm/disarm and fetch state of POSIX per-process timer
timer_t (3)          - overview of system data types
timeradd (3)         - timeval operations
timerclear (3)       - timeval operations
timercmp (3)         - timeval operations
timerfd_create (2)   - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_gettime (2)  - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_settime (2)  - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerisset (3)       - timeval operations
timersub (3)         - timeval operations
times (2)            - get process times
timespec (3)         - overview of system data types
timesyncd.conf (5)   - Network Time Synchronization configuration files
timesyncd.conf.d (5) - Network Time Synchronization configuration files
timeval (3)          - overview of system data types
timezone (3)         - initialize time conversion information
touch (1)            - change file timestamps
tsget (1ssl)         - Time Stamping HTTP/HTTPS client
tzfile (5)           - timezone information
tzname (3)           - initialize time conversion information
tzselect (1)         - view timezones
tzselect (8)         - select a timezone
tzset (3)            - initialize time conversion information
uptime (1)           - Tell how long the system has been running.
user-runtime-dir@.service (5) - System units to start the user manager
utime (2)            - change file last access and modification times
utimes (2)           - change file last access and modification times
vcstime (8)          - Show time in upper right hand corner of the console sc...
vfs_readonly (8)     - make a Samba share read only for a specified time period
vfs_time_audit (8)   - samba vfs module to log slow VFS operations
vtimes (3)           - get resource usage
xfs_rtcp (8)         - XFS realtime copy command
XS::Parse::Infix::Builder (3pm) - build-time support for "XS::Parse::Infix"
XS::Parse::Keyword::Builder (3pm) - build-time support for "XS::Parse::Keyword"
zdump (8)            - timezone dumper
zic (8)              - timezone compiler

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